Welcome to Budbrooke Primary School

House Captains

House Captains Autumn 2023 - Summer 2024

Led by Mrs Hopkins 

As House Captains we are the leaders for our Houses: Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby. We enjoy ensuring the whole school has good sporting experiences by promoting Sports Day and cheering the members of our House in the races they are competing in. We are working hard at lunchtimes to count house points, and we announce the winners in Achievement Assembly every week and the results are displayed in the school hall. We hope that this will enthuse everyone to work hard and earn stars in their lessons.  For the first time, this year we will be holding meetings with our Houses so that we can work together across all year groups to encourage our members to earn as many stars as possible through demonstrating our school's 5 Core Values (Consdieration, Collaboration, Challenge, Confidence and Curiosity).  

Year 6

Ruby - Henry and Sophia

Sapphire - Amalie and Robbie

Emerald - Edward and Ella

Autumn update: 

This half term we have been working hard to collect and calculate the number of stars that members of our houses have been receiving each week.  We have announced the results each week in assembly and displayed the total on the display board in the hall. 

Open days 

We have represented our school during open days.  We wrote a script to tell visitors to school all about our role and presented this to lots of families who attended this event.  

House team meetings 

This half term we have met with our houses to talk to them about how they can gain more stars.  We worked very hard to create and deliver PowerPoint presentations to our houses based on the 5 core values (Consideration, confidence, curiosity, collaboration and challenge).  Our presentations are included on this page.   

Spring update: 

So far this half term we have been encouraging our team members to display the 5 core values and gain more stars for our teams.  We have shared the total number of stars for each house during every assembly and we are going to be launching a new competition to gain even more! Look out for the details comng soon.  

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